Do you want to garden at BARAGA?

Want to Garden at BARAGA?

If you’re landless, but a farmer at heart, come down and visit us in person to meet some of our members, find out who we are and what we grow.

The BARAGA non-profit society rents the 6.9 hectares of garden property from the City of Burnaby. BARAGA members share a passion for gardening and locally grown good quality food. Members rent and cultivate individual plots as well as participating in the running and administration of BARAGA by completing compulsory volunteer work and by running for elected board member positions.
As a not-for-profit association, BARAGA is governed by a Constitution, a set of registered Bylaws, and a handbook of Rules & Policies, with which members must be familiar. These documents detail the rights and responsibilities of members, procedures for accepting new members, election of Directors, and management of the garden.

Garden plots at BARAGA are large – 1,000 square feet (with a smaller number of half plots at 500 square feet). It requires considerable time and effort to successfully maintain a plot. It is important to consider whether you will have the time and ability to care for a plot for the entire gardening season, from early spring to late fall, when deciding to become a BARAGA member.

Before joining our waitlist, please read the BARAGA Constitution & Bylaws, Rules & Policies, to ensure that you are familiar with what is expected of all BARAGA members. Our community is only as strong as the commitment of its members to abide by the guidelines and cooperate with fellow gardeners.

I confirm that I have read the BARAGA Constitution, ByLaws, Rules and Polices. Click here to continue and join the waitlist